Welcome to FTX K9 Academy, a balanced training company that approaches every dog differently, no matter the age, breed, or size.

Our staff is here to teach you and your dog alike how to take on the world together! We understand the challenges that some may face with their dog and we believe that empowering both you and your dog to work together allows for a far stronger bond and sustained obedience.

Professional Dog Training Services

Serving South Houston/Galveston County

  • Verbal commands on/off leash, house manners and public training.

  • This is a program for shaping dogs through a group class to receive their Canine Good Citizen title. This means being neutral with new people, around other dogs, and showing a calm demeanor in a new environment.

    Through our team’s certification, we can title dogs for AKC CGC, CGCU/CGCA, AKC STAR Puppy, Trick Titles, and Virtual Home Manners.

  • This program is an intensive five to six week program that is geared towards dogs that have reactivity or aggression. We actively work towards managing the dog and coaching the owners through handling and the dog’s needed training.

  • This program is geared towards dogs 12 weeks to 6 months of age. This is a kickstart program to introduce puppies to the foundation of our most commonly used commands; sit, down, place, come, and heel.

  • This program takes dogs who may show fear, anxiety, or insecurity and building their confidence through exposure and socialization. This means getting out into public and immersing them into the world to lead the dogs to a more confident, healthy lifestyle.

  • Drive building, alert to threats, response to threats etc.

Build a Better Bond With Your Dog

At FTX K9 we’re dedicated to helping you build a stronger bond with your furry companion. Our primary goal is to empower you to create a harmonious household with your dog.

We understand that as a dog owner, you want to enjoy your life without constantly micromanaging your pet. That's why our training programs are designed to give you the tools and techniques to establish general control over your dog's behavior.

Our clients seek the ability to call their dogs back to them or establish boundaries, such as having them settle in place during family meals. These skills not only enhance your relationship with your pet but also allow you to reclaim control over your household without feeling like your dog is running the show.